Fun Colourwork Knitting Patterns!
So you may be wondering 'why Ruby and the Foxes'?!

Hi, I'm Sarah and I started my little business Ruby and the Foxes back in 2015. I love nature, animals and fun bright colours, so these are all huge influences in my designs. I was a pet portrait artist working in pencil and acrylics until I visited a craft fair where there was an amazingly talented lady who made machine embroidered pet portraits. I was so inspired and started thinking about other materials I could use for my pet portraits. I used to knit when I was a child after my nana showed me how, and I remember making lots of baby clothes as they were nice and small and easy to finish!
So, 20 years later I decided to pick up a set of knitting needles again and see what I could come up with. I did lots of research and managed to design a pattern of my little dog Ruby (pictured below) and knitted it up. I was so excited that I was able to knit a picture that I just kept going, and so Ruby and the Foxes began. The name ’Ruby and the Foxes’ was inspired by my dog who nearly everyone commented looked like a fox, and I loved how it sounded like she had her own rock band!
Unfortunately, we lost Ruby back in 2018, but I love how she lives on in my little business that she inspired. My new furry sidekick is Red, who I have to admit is a bit of a Ruby look alike and also looks quite foxy!
I hope you enjoy looking around my designs, and if you decide to have a go at knitting one up I'd love to see the results! You can either email me or tag me in on Instagram @rubyandthefoxes. Happy Knitting!